




电话:0532-8698-1560 / 137-8066-8032



·   1995, 山东大学化学系,学士

·   2004, 瑞士巴塞尔大学(Basel University),Department of Chemistry,博士

·   2005-2009,英国剑桥大学(Cambridge University),Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology,博士后

·    2009-2011, 英国高科技上市公司  Nanoco Technologies Ltd,研究科学家

·    2011-至今, 青岛急需高层次人才,中国石油大学(华东),副教授


·    指导本学院本科生科研项目“利用石墨烯量子点构建肿瘤靶向成像与治疗试剂”,在第十四届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛中荣获省赛特等奖及全国二等奖;

·    指导多名硕士研究生获得罗伯托罗卡奖学金及国家奖学金;

·    指导多名本科生及硕士研究生获得奖学金赴德国、香港、瑞士、澳大利亚进行科学研究及攻读学位;

·    课题组依托《生物能源与材料创新型人才国际合作培养项目》可以支持组内学生出国读博或者联合培养。

·    专注新型荧光纳米复合材料,如石墨烯量子点、碳点、金纳米簇等的构建和表面功能化,以及纳米材料在反应催化、污染物光降解、化学分析等方向的应用。在包括 JACS AMICC JMCB 等国际一流期刊发表40多篇高水平学术论文,并授权多项国际国内发明专利。


·    新型荧光纳米复合材料,如石墨烯量子点、碳点、金纳米簇等的构建和表面功能化


·    纳米材料在反应催化、污染物光降解、化学分析等方向的应用

·    功能化超分子组装体系的构建及应用 


1.  Wang, X.; Chen, Q.; Zhang, Z.; He, H.; Ma, X.; Liu, Z.; Ge, B.; Huang, F. Novel Enteromorpha Prolifera based carbon dots: Probing the radical scavenging of natural phenolic compounds. Colloids Surf., B2019, 174161-167.

2.  Jiang, G.; Li, X.; Che, Y.; Lv, Y.; Liu, F.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, C.; Wang, X. Antibacterial and anticorrosive properties of CuZnO@RGO waterborne polyurethane coating in circulating cooling water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research2019, 26 (9), 9027-9040.

3.  Wang, X.; Liu, Z.; Chen, Q.; Wang, X.; Huang, F. Interactions between Graphene Materials and Proteins. Progress in Chemistry2019, 31 (2/3), 236-244.

4.  Xia, Y.; Tang, D.; Wu, H.; Wang, X.; Cao, M.; He, H.; Wang, S. Cell attachment/detachment behavior on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-based microgel films: the effect of microgel structure and swelling ratio. J. Mater. Sci.2018, 53 (12), 8795-8806.

5.  Khan, N. U.; He, H.; Wang, X.; Ge, B.; Wang, Q.; Liu, X.; Lao, J.; Wang, Y.; Li, J.; Wang, Z.; Zhou, S.; Huang, F. A two-color fluorescence enhanced dot-blot assay for revealing co-operative expression of chemokine receptors in cells. Chem. Commun.2018, 54 (7), 778-781.

6.  Khan, N. U.; Feng, Z.; He, H.; Wang, Q.; Liu, X.; Li, S.; Shi, X.; Wang, X.; Ge, B.; Huang, F. A facile plasmonic silver needle for fluorescence-enhanced detection of tumor markers. Anal. Chim. Acta2018, 1040120-127.

7.  Jacob, M. H.; D'Souza, R. N.; Schwarzlose, T.; Wang, X.; Huang, F.; Haas, E.; Nau, W. M. Method-Unifying View of Loop-Formation Kinetics in Peptide and Protein Folding. J. Phys. Chem. B2018, 122 (16), 4445-4456.

8.  He, H.; Li, S.; Shi, X.; Wang, X.; Liu, X.; Wang, Q.; Guo, A.; Ge, B.; Khan, N. U.; Huang, F. Quantitative Nanoscopy of Small Blinking Graphene Nanocarriers in Drug Delivery. Bioconjug. Chem.2018, 29 (11), 3658-3666.

9.  Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; He, H.; Ma, X.; Chen, Q.; Zhang, S.; Ge, B.; Wang, S.; Nau, W. M.; Huang, F., Deep-Red Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters for Nucleoli Staining: Real-Time Monitoring of the Nucleolar Dynamics in Reverse Transformation of Malignant Cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017,9 (21), 17799-17806.

10. Xia, Y.; Tang, Y.; Wu, H.; Zhang, J.; Li, Z.; Pan, F.; Wang, S.; Wang, X.; Xu, H.; Lu, J. R., Fabrication of Patterned Thermoresponsive Microgel Strips on Cell-Adherent Background and Their Application for Cell Sheet Recovery. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017,9 (2), 1255-1262.

11. Qu, J.-B.; Xu, Y.-L.; Liu, Y.; Wang, Y.; Sui, Y.; Liu, J.-G.; Wang, X., Inherently Fluorescent Polystyrene Microspheres for Coating, Sensing and Cellular Imaging. Colloids Surf., B 2017,152, 475-481.

12. Lao, J.; He, H.; Wang, X.; Wang, Z.; Song, Y.; Yang, B.; Ullahkhan, N.; Ge, B.; Huang, F., Single-Molecule Imaging Demonstrates Ligand Regulation of the Oligomeric Status of CXCR4 in Living Cells. J. Phys. Chem. B 2017,121 (7), 1466-1474.

13. He, H.; Liu, X.; Li, S.; Wang, X.; Wang, Q.; Li, J.; Wang, J.; Ren, H.; Ge, B.; Wang, S.; Zhang, X.; Huang, F., High-Density Super-Resolution Localization Imaging with Blinking Carbon Dots. Anal. Chem. 2017,89 (21), 11831-11838.

14. Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; He, H.; Chen, X.; Sun, X.; Sun, Y.; Zhou, G.; Xu, H.; Huang, F., Steering Graphene Quantum Dots in Living Cells: Lighting up the Nucleolus. J. Mater. Chem. B 2016,4 (4), 779-784.

15. Wang, X.; He, H.; Wang, Y.; Wang, J.; Sun, X.; Xu, H.; Nau, W. M.; Zhang, X.; Huang, F., Active Tumor-Targeting Luminescent Gold Clusters with Efficient Urinary Excretion. Chem. Commun. 2016,52 (59), 9232-9235.

16. He, H.; Wang, Z.; Cheng, T.; Liu, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, J.; Ren, H.; Sun, Y.; Song, Y.; Yang, J.; Xia, Y.; Wang, S.; Zhang, X.; Huang, F., Visible and near-Infrared Dual-Emission Carbogenic Small Molecular Complex with High Rna Selectivity and Renal Clearance for Nucleolus and Tumor Imaging. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016,8 (42), 28529-28537.

17. He, H.; Wang, X.; Cheng, T.; Xia, Y.; Lao, J.; Ge, B.; Ren, H.; Khan, N. U.; Huang, F., An Ultra-High Fluorescence Enhancement and High Throughput Assay for Revealing Expression and Internalization of Chemokine Receptor Cxcr4. Chem.--Eur. J. 2016,22 (17), 5863-5867.

18. Yue, T.; Wang, X.; Zhang, X.; Huang, F., Molecular Modeling of Interaction between Lipid Monolayer and Graphene Nanosheets: Implications for Pulmonary Nanotoxicity and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. RSC Adv. 2015,5 (38), 30092-30106.

19. Wang, X.; Sun, X.; He, H.; Yang, H.; Lao, J.; Song, Y.; Xia, Y.; Xu, H.; Zhang, X.; Huang, F., A Two-Component Active Targeting Theranostic Agent Based on Graphene Quantum Dots. J. Mater. Chem. B 2015,3, 3583-3590.

20. He, H.; Wang, X.; Feng, Z.; Cheng, T.; Sun, X.; Sun, Y.; Xia, Y.; Wang, S.; Wang, J.; Zhang, X., Rapid Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Ultra-Bright Fluorescent Carbon Dots for Live Cell Staining, Cell-Specific Targeting and in Vivo Imaging. J. Mater. Chem. B 2015,3 (24), 4786-4789.

21. Wang, X.; Sun, X.; Lao, J.; He, H.; Cheng, T.; Wang, M.; Wang, S.; Huang, F., Multifunctional Graphene Quantum Dots for Simultaneous Targeted Cellular Imaging and Drug Delivery. Colloids Surf., B 2014,122, 638-644.

22. He, H.; Sun, X.; Wang, X.; Sun, Y.; Xu, H.; Lu, J. R., Cyclic Arginyl-Glycyl-Aspartic Acid (Rgd) Peptide-Induced Synthesis of Uniform and Stable One-Dimensional Cdte Nanostructures in Aqueous Solution. RSC Adv. 2014,4 (23), 11794-11797.

23. Wang, X.; Boschetti, C.; Ruedas-Rama, M. J.; Tunnacliffe, A.; Hall, E. A. H., Ratiometric Ph-Dot Ansors. Analyst 2010,135 (7), 1585-1591.

24. Wang, X.; Ruedas-Rama, M. J.; Hall, E. A. H., The Emerging Use of Quantum Dots in Analysis. Anal. Lett. 2007,40 (8), 1497-1520.

25. Ruedas-Rama, M. J.; Wang, X.; Hall, E. A. H., A Multi-Ion Particle Sensor. Chem. Commun. 2007,  (15), 1544-1546.

26. Wang, X.; Nau, W. M., Kinetics of End-to-End Collision in Short Single-Stranded Nucleic Acids. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004,126 (3), 808-813.

27. Wang, X.; Bodunov, E. N.; Nau, W. M., Fluorescence Quenching Kinetics in Short Polymer Chains: Dependence on Chain Length. Optics and Spectroscopy 2003,95 (4), 560-570.

28. Zhang, X. Y.; Gramlich, G.; Wang, X.; Nau, W. M., A Joint Structural, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Investigation of Substituent Effects on Host-Guest Complexation of Bicyclic Azoalkanes by Beta-Cyclodextrin. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002,124 (2), 254-263.

29. Nau, W. M.; Wang, X., Biomolecular and Supramolecular Kinetics in the Submicrosecond Time Range: The Fluorazophore Approach. ChemPhysChem 2002,3 (5), 393-398.

30. Wang, X.; Nau, W. M., Kinetics of One- and Two-Directional Charge Hopping in One-Dimensional Systems: Application to DNA. ChemPhysChem 2001,2 (12), 761-766.


1.     曲剑波,王晓娟,陈艳丽,宦关生,朱虎,一种聚苯乙烯材料表面亲水改性的方法,201310315379.0

2.     王晓娟,黄方,王雅楠,曲剑波,何化,王生杰,一种KCK多肽修饰的金纳米簇及其制备方法, 201610387321.0

3.     王晓娟,曲剑波,王雅楠,黄方,何化,王生杰,一种多肽修饰的金纳米簇及其制备方法, 201610389189.7

4.     王晓娟,陈奇,张政媛,黄方,王生杰,潘思远,葛保胜,何化,一种以海藻为碳源的荧光碳量子点的制备方法和用途, 201611128316.4

5.     王晓娟,马锡琦,王雅楠,黄方,葛保胜,何化,一种基因载体系统及其构建方法, 201711350421.7

6.     王晓娟,陈奇,黄方,葛保胜,刘真真,一种以碳量子点为荧光指示剂的酚类抗氧化剂测定方法, 201711350390.5

7.     王生杰,王晓娟,荆倩,曹美文,夏永清,一种石墨烯分散液的制备方法,201711379802.8

8.     王晓娟,马锡琦,黄方,葛保胜,孙怡鑫,一种以金纳米簇为荧光指示剂检测肝素钠中糖类杂质的方法, 201711430491.3

9.     黄方,杜明娇,王晓娟,葛保胜,迟海霞,一种鳌合铜离子的多肽及其用途,201810432470.3

10.  王晓娟,孙怡鑫,刘钊含,戴祺,马锡琦,黄方,一种羽绒水解物修饰的金纳米簇及其制备方法,201910029948.2